Canada has had 23 prime ministers, a look at the six who are alive.
Authors: National Post Staff. Published Mar 04, 2024
Canada’s 22nd PM, Stephen Harper was a founding member of the Reform Party of Canada and later became the first leader of the Conservative Party of Canada.
His government introduced an array of tax cuts and largely focused on economic issues, including reducing the Goods and Services Tax and leading Canada through the 2008 global financial crisis.
Harper’s foreign policy was marked by a strong support for Israel and skepticism toward the United Nations.
After losing the 2015 federal election to Justin Trudeau, Harper stepped down as leader of the Conservative Party and eventually resigned his seat in the House of Commons in 2016. Post-politics, he founded Harper & Associates Consulting and assumed the role of Chairman of the International Democratic Union (IDU) in 2018. The IDU is a global alliance of centre-right and conservative political parties.