Canada has had 23 prime ministers, a look at the six who are alive.
Authors: National Post Staff. Published Mar 04, 2024
Canada’s 19th PM, Campbell was the first and, to date, only woman to lead Canada.
A member of the Progressive Conservative Party, Campbell held several cabinet positions in Brian Mulroney’s government, including Minister of Justice and Attorney General, and Minister of National Defence, becoming the first woman to hold these positions as well.
She won the party leadership following Mulroney’s resignation and in her brief tenure implemented changes to reduce the size of the federal cabinet and established new laws on sexual assault and firearms control.
Her term ended following an overwhelming defeat in the 1993 federal election, including Campbell losing her Vancouver Centre seat.
Campbell has had an eclectic career post-premiership, including living in Edmonton, Paris, Los Angeles and Boston, where she spent three years teaching at Harvard.
She has also served as the secretary-general for the Club de Madrid, a Spanish non-profit organization.