As previously explained, as an American, I do not have access to any of the Canadian Prime Minister's biographies which might be physically held in a Canadian public library or Canadian University library. Roger Graham has published the ONLY biography of Meighen (as of 2023). I was able to track down and purchase Volume 1; access Volume 2 online at
Internet Archives
but struck out on Volume 3. It turned out that Google Books had digitized it but will not allow anyone to read it. Google does link this volume 3 to various sellers who report "Currently unavailable".
I sent Google Books an email
There are very few books about Canadian Prime Minister Arthur Meighen. Roger Graham has written the only full biography on him, in three volumes. Graham, Roger (1965). Arthur Meighen: a biography. Vol. 3 No Surrender. Publisher Toronto Clarke, Irwin. (note: this publisher no longer exists). It is unavailable via Amazon or Abe's Books.It is not in ANY United States library, excepting a hardcopy of all 3 volumes in the U.S. Library of Congress. The Library of Congress is a research library, and books are used only on the premises by members of the public. The collection of more than 173 million items includes more than 51 million cataloged books.
WorldCat search for the entire world only turns up copies in 4 separate GERMAN libraries. The National Library of Canada (now called Library and Archives Canada) has a hardcopy which includes all 3 volumes but it may not be checked out. I live in Dallas, TX and can not get InterLibrary Loans outside the state of Texas (much less from Germany).
This book is 70 years old and rightfully should be in the public domain, otherwise I will be unable to read it.
I received back an email dated June 25, 2023
Hi Richard,Thank you for sending your request to evaluate a volume for possible full viewing in Google Books. Due to some recent changes in our Legal department, we wanted to let you know that review of your request might be slower than usual. We'll get back to you with more information as soon as we can.
Thanks! Alfonso The Google Books Team
Amazingly I received a follow up email dated July 4, 2023
Hi Richard,We finished our review of the book and approved it for full access. You can access the complete contents
The Google Books Team